Corporate Responsibility

At Horizon Capital, we understand that in order to be a truly successful business, we need to integrate economic, social and environmental sustainability into our business at a strategic level. One of our fundamental values is to contribute to the sustainable development of South Africa, both through our core business activities and through special initiatives.

We create jobs through our property development activities; we foster entrepreneurship and the growth of small and medium businesses through our corporate finance division; and we try to minimise our carbon footprint, both in our own office and in the properties developed and managed by us. We also continuously undertake social welfare projects, some of which are shown below.

Child Welfare & Education

Every year, Horizon Capital sponsors a number of children through Operation Shoebox, an independent, accredited non-profit organisation which collects and distributes Christmas gifts to disadvantaged children across a network of children's charities in Cape Town. Donors are supplied with the child's name, age, gender, clothing and shoe size, and some information about them so that donors can personalise the gift.

Horizon Capital also supports initiatives such as the Cape Town Child Welfare Society, Learn to Earn, Bright Start Education Support Programme, The Rachel Swart Fund and the Peninsula School Feeding Association.

Donation of Equipment & Materials

Whenever opportunities arise to give back to our community, Horizon Capital is very happy to get involved. For example, we have recently donated a computer to one of our staff members, Grace, to assist her son in his academic pursuits. Grace was also able to re-tile and re-carpet her family’s house using building materials donated by Horizon Capital.